Life of Pi
Como se habrán dado cuenta a estas alturas, me encantan los viajes, el cine, los libros, soy una mujer muy sensible con los animales y además, puedo ser bastante sentimental. Son características generales y no limitativas, claro está, pero sirven de base para mi punto de vista sobre la película de la que les hablaré hoy: Life of Pi (en México "Una aventura extraordinaria").
Dirigida por Ang Lee ("Brokeback Mountain" y "El tigre y el dragón" aparecen en su currículum) es la historia basada en el libro del mismo nombre, de Yann Martel, que trata sobre la aventura de un joven hindú sobreviviente a un naufragio y cómo logra cruzar el Pacífico en una pequeña balsa (que ya de por sí es suficientemente sorprendente) acompañado de ¡un tigre de bengala!
El viaje inicia justo cuando la familia, dueña de un zoológico, decide venderlo y partir a Canadá en barco, acompañada de los animales.
El testimonio de su protagonista, Piscine Molitor (en base a una famosa piscina francesa) o mejor, "Pi" Patel (se lo cambió después del hartazgo provocado por las burlas al llamarlo "Pissing"), llena de verosimilitud la narración, que se antoja producto de la imaginación más prolífera de su protagonista, quien busca entender a Dios acercándose a 3 religiones distintas: el hinduísmo, el cristianismo y el islamismo.
Así pues, es una odisea llena de sensualidad visual, de momentos desbordantes de belleza y sobre todo, de un vaivén de sentimientos que van desde la alegría, la desesperación y la tristeza, hasta la violencia, el amor y la esperanza. Un viaje que, para mí, remite a la vida misma, a cómo el hombre se enfrenta a esa travesía diaria acompañado de distintas bestias (¿sus miedos quizá?) y busca sobrevivir.
La actuación del protagonista, la música, los efectos especiales y la narrativa en general son sorprendentes.
No he leído el libro (he elegido no hacerlo de momento) para vivir completamente la experiencia de la película. Sin ser fan de las películas de ciencia ficción y siendo pues como yo misma me he descrito, simplemente les puedo decir esto: MUY RECOMENDABLE.
¿Ya la han visto? ¿Qué opinan de ella?
you may have noticed by now, I love travel, movies, books, I am a very
sensitive woman with animals and besides, I can be quite sentimental. General but not restrictive characteristics, of course, but are the basis
for my point of view on the film I'm about to speak today: Life of Pi .
Directed by Ang Lee ("Brokeback Mountain" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" appear on his resume) is the story based on the book of the same name by Yann Martel, which is about the adventure of a young Hindu surviving a shipwreck and how he manages to cross the Pacific in a small pond (which in itself is amazing enough) accompanied by a Bengal tiger!
The trip starts just when the family, that owns a zoo, decides to sell it and leave to Canada by boat, accompanied by the animals.The testimony of his protagonist, Piscine Molitor (based on a famous French pool) or "Pi" Patel (he changed his name after the glut caused by teasing by calling him "Pissing"), is a narrative full of plausibility, that seems more product of the prolific imagination of its protagonist, who is seeking to understand God approaching 3 different religions: Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
So, it's a visual odyssey full of sensuality, overflowing beauty moments and especially a reciprocating feelings ranging from joy, despair and sadness, to violence, love and hope. A journey that, to me, refers to life itself, to how man faces daily that journey joined by different beasts (fears perhaps?) and seeks to survive.
The protagonist's performance, the soundtrack, the special effects and the storytelling are, in general, amazing.
I haven't read the book (I chose not to for now) to live fully the experience of the film. Not being a fan of science fiction movies and being myself as I have described, I can say simply this: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Have you seen it? What do you think of it?
Directed by Ang Lee ("Brokeback Mountain" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" appear on his resume) is the story based on the book of the same name by Yann Martel, which is about the adventure of a young Hindu surviving a shipwreck and how he manages to cross the Pacific in a small pond (which in itself is amazing enough) accompanied by a Bengal tiger!
The trip starts just when the family, that owns a zoo, decides to sell it and leave to Canada by boat, accompanied by the animals.The testimony of his protagonist, Piscine Molitor (based on a famous French pool) or "Pi" Patel (he changed his name after the glut caused by teasing by calling him "Pissing"), is a narrative full of plausibility, that seems more product of the prolific imagination of its protagonist, who is seeking to understand God approaching 3 different religions: Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.
So, it's a visual odyssey full of sensuality, overflowing beauty moments and especially a reciprocating feelings ranging from joy, despair and sadness, to violence, love and hope. A journey that, to me, refers to life itself, to how man faces daily that journey joined by different beasts (fears perhaps?) and seeks to survive.
The protagonist's performance, the soundtrack, the special effects and the storytelling are, in general, amazing.
I haven't read the book (I chose not to for now) to live fully the experience of the film. Not being a fan of science fiction movies and being myself as I have described, I can say simply this: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Have you seen it? What do you think of it?
i watched it… and I loved it!! Ang Lee is an artist!
ResponderEliminarIt's such an unexpected experience this movie...but at the same time, you just can't expect nothing different or less from Lee!!
EliminarI agree with you, Debbie.
Thanks for your comment!
Ya la vi, yo no iba muy convencida pero mi novio me convenció y la verdad no me arrepentí ME ENCANTÓ!!! si es un remontar a tu propia vida!! Totalmente recomendable.
ResponderEliminarKarina RZD,
EliminarTienes razón. Es una película que hasta que la ves se vive completamente la experiencia, logra transmitir muchos mensajes.
Ya te extrañábamos por aquí.
Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
Un abrazo.
No la he visto pero me das ganas con esto.
ResponderEliminarYa me dirás qué te pareció.
EliminarMuchas gracias por tu comentario, SEV.
muy interesante y si tu la recomiendas debe ser una buena pelicula.
ResponderEliminarLTG, ya verás que te gustará. Además veo que está nominada a 11 Oscares.
EliminarLa checas y me dices.