2012 moments
Por fin de regreso al blog, con mi laptop funcionando y con la reflexión obligada por el año que terminó y el que comienza (wow, 2013 suena a un año muy futurista, ¿no les parece?). Pues bien, el 2012 me deja con varias lecciones.
1. La salud es primero. No es un cliché, no es una frase hecha, es una realidad. Sin ella, simplemente no podemos ni salir a la esquina. El 2012 me llevó al quirófano y me enseñó que no hay que dar todo por sentado. Sí, uno es joven y se recupera pronto, pero cuidarse todos los días es fundamental.
2. No juzgar. Es parte de la condición humana estar al pendiente de los demás, no somos seres aislados, pero sin duda, cada uno tenemos nuestras propias circunstancias que nos llevan a tomar tal o cual decisión y esas no siempre coinciden con lo que otros suponen que harían ante ellas. A veces resulta casi irresistible emitir opiniones o juicios... pero hay que recordarse que en algún momento todos hemos sido juzgados y quizás no nos ha gustado. Como dice la frase "Yo soy yo y la suma de mis circunstancias."
3. La amistad actúa de maneras sorprendentes. Y es que no es necesario estar como muéganos todos los días para saber que se cuenta con alguien. Conforme el tiempo pasa, los amigos verdaderos se quedan y reaparecen en uno u otro capítulo de nuestras vidas. Yo comprobé y disfruté de las grandes amistades, que aún con océanos de distancia, hemos encontrado la forma de demostrarnos la amistad. Pero también a los amigos cercanos, que con el simple deseo de coincidir hemos reafirmado el placer de la buena conversación, de las risas simples y de soñar despiertos...
4. Experimentar es la sal y pimienta de la vida. ¡Qué bien hace probar cosas nuevas! Y aplica para sabores, colores, trabajo, experiencias (uy, cómo suena eso). Es bueno para nutrir el carácter, fundamentar la opinión y saber estar. El 2012 no puse resistencia a casi nada (¿han escuchado eso que dice "Usted diga a todo que sí"? Bueno, pues lo apliqué) y lo más probable es que me arrepentiría de haberlo hecho. Hubo de todo, desde platillos y nuevos países (viva Colombia) hasta TV. Considerando que tampoco soy una versión de James Bond en mujer, no estuvo nada mal...
5. Cadena de favores. O Karma, o Ley de la Atracción. Como gusten llamarlo, pero es grandioso ser parte de esa energía. Este año comprobé por qué hay personas exitosas en la vida (no me refiero únicamente al tema laboral, sino a la plenitud de su realidad) y es nada más y nada menos a que son personas genuinamente buenas. Sí, de esas que se cree ya no existen, de esas que no están esperando compensación económica, sino que ayudan por el placer de hacerlo, por ponerse en los zapatos de otros y tienden la mano porque no conciben no hacerlo teniendo la opción. De grande quiero ser como ellas.
6. "Siempre tendremos París". Oh, la lá, sí, esta legendaria frase de la película Casablanca aplica perfectamente para el año que se fue. Porque tuve el deleite de vivir espectaculares momentos ahí, como la soñada VOGUE Fashion Night Out (sí, es un sueño para los fashionistas...y los que no son tanto) y reenamorarme, de la ciudad y de lo que me llevó ahí la primera vez. Me recordó por qué es bueno seguir soñando y renovarse en esos sueños, en las ilusiones que ponen objetivos en la vida (como recapitular sobre el porqué me encanta viajar).
7. Catarsis. Como es necesario hacerse una limpieza dental, facial, estomacal (bueno, llamémoslo mejor detox) me parece que también lo es una del alma, del espíritu. A lo largo de la vida acumulamos taras, pendientes o errores que a veces empañan el comportamiento actual. Sin afán de dar palabras pseudo-psicológicas, simplemente les comparto que pude deshacerme de lastres mentales, lo cual me tiene muy contenta. Como dice la frase "Un gran error es arruinar el presente recordando un pasado que no tiene futuro".
Y como está comprobado que lo que se escribe es más fácil que se logre, espero mantener vigentes estas lecciones para vivir intensamente este 2013 y por supuesto, mejorar, mejorar y mejorar.
Gracias a cada uno de ustedes, queridos lectores, que le dan razón de ser a este blog. Gracias por haber compartido conmigo sus momentos y por ser parte de éstos.
Y sin más, ¡que empiece el 2013 lleno de energía para todos!
back to the blog, with my laptop running and reflection required for
the year ending and beginning (wow, 2013 sounds very futuristic, isn't it?). Well, 2012 left with several lessons for me.
1. Health is first. It's not a cliché, it is a reality. Without it, we simply can't go to next corner. 2012 took me to the operating room and taught me not to take everything for granted. Yes, you're young and recover soon but everyday care is crucial.
2. Do not judge. It's part of the human condition be aware of others, we are not isolated beings, but certainly, we each have our own circumstances that lead us to make this or that decision and those don't always agree with what others would do before them. Sometimes it's almost irresistible to issue opinions or judgments... but it must be remembered that at some point we have all been tried and maybe we didn't like it. As the saying goes "I am myself plus my circumstances."
3. Friendship works in surprising ways. And it is not necessary to be glued every day to know you count on someone. As time passes, true friends stay and reappear in either chapter in our lives. I enjoyed the magic of great friendships, even with oceans away, we have found a way of showing we care. But also close friends, with the simple desire to match we have reaffirmed the pleasure of good conversation, laughter and simple daydream...
4. Experimenting is the salt and pepper of life. How good it is to try new things! It applies to flavors, colors, work, experiences (oh, how that sounds). It's good to nourish the nature, support the opinion and poise. On 2012 I didn't put resistance to almost anything (there's a saying in Mexico that says "You should say yes to everything". Well, I applied it) and will most likely regret I have. There was everything for me this year, from dishes and new countries (loved Colombia) to TV. Considering that I'm not a version of James Bond in women, it was not bad...
5. Pay it Forward. O Karma, or the Law of Attraction. As you like to call it, but it's great to be part of that energy. This year I realized why there are successful people in life (I am not referring only to the professional issue, but the fullness of reality) and is nothing more or less than they are genuinely good people. Yes, the kind that we think no longer exist, those who are not waiting for financial compensation, but help for the pleasure of doing, to step into the shoes of others and reach out because they don't conceive not doing so when having the option. When I grow up, I want to be like them.
6. "We'll always have Paris." Oh la la, yeah, this legendary line from the movie Casablanca applies perfectly to 2012. Because I had the pleasure of living spectacular moments there, like the dreamed VOGUE Fashion Night Out (yes, it's a dream for fashionistas... and for those who are not so much) and falling in love with the city and what brought me there the first time. It reminded me why it's good to dream and be renewed in those dreams, to have illusions that make life goals (as recap on why I love to travel).
7. Catharsis. As is necessary to have a dental, facial or stomach cleaning (well, better call it detox) I think it is also good for the soul, the spirit. Throughout life we all accumulate defects, pending or errors that sometimes blur our current behavior. No desire to provide pseudo-psychological words, I just want to share that I could get rid of mental ballast, which makes me very happy. As the saying goes "A big mistake is to ruin the present remembering a past that has no future."
And as there is evidence that what is written is easier to achieve, I hope to keep current these lessons to intensely live this 2013 and of course, improve, improve and improve.
Thanks to each one of you, dear readers, that give reason for this blog. Thank you for sharing your time and for being part of these moments.
Without more, let this 2013 start, full of energy for everyone!
1. Health is first. It's not a cliché, it is a reality. Without it, we simply can't go to next corner. 2012 took me to the operating room and taught me not to take everything for granted. Yes, you're young and recover soon but everyday care is crucial.
2. Do not judge. It's part of the human condition be aware of others, we are not isolated beings, but certainly, we each have our own circumstances that lead us to make this or that decision and those don't always agree with what others would do before them. Sometimes it's almost irresistible to issue opinions or judgments... but it must be remembered that at some point we have all been tried and maybe we didn't like it. As the saying goes "I am myself plus my circumstances."
3. Friendship works in surprising ways. And it is not necessary to be glued every day to know you count on someone. As time passes, true friends stay and reappear in either chapter in our lives. I enjoyed the magic of great friendships, even with oceans away, we have found a way of showing we care. But also close friends, with the simple desire to match we have reaffirmed the pleasure of good conversation, laughter and simple daydream...
4. Experimenting is the salt and pepper of life. How good it is to try new things! It applies to flavors, colors, work, experiences (oh, how that sounds). It's good to nourish the nature, support the opinion and poise. On 2012 I didn't put resistance to almost anything (there's a saying in Mexico that says "You should say yes to everything". Well, I applied it) and will most likely regret I have. There was everything for me this year, from dishes and new countries (loved Colombia) to TV. Considering that I'm not a version of James Bond in women, it was not bad...
5. Pay it Forward. O Karma, or the Law of Attraction. As you like to call it, but it's great to be part of that energy. This year I realized why there are successful people in life (I am not referring only to the professional issue, but the fullness of reality) and is nothing more or less than they are genuinely good people. Yes, the kind that we think no longer exist, those who are not waiting for financial compensation, but help for the pleasure of doing, to step into the shoes of others and reach out because they don't conceive not doing so when having the option. When I grow up, I want to be like them.
6. "We'll always have Paris." Oh la la, yeah, this legendary line from the movie Casablanca applies perfectly to 2012. Because I had the pleasure of living spectacular moments there, like the dreamed VOGUE Fashion Night Out (yes, it's a dream for fashionistas... and for those who are not so much) and falling in love with the city and what brought me there the first time. It reminded me why it's good to dream and be renewed in those dreams, to have illusions that make life goals (as recap on why I love to travel).
7. Catharsis. As is necessary to have a dental, facial or stomach cleaning (well, better call it detox) I think it is also good for the soul, the spirit. Throughout life we all accumulate defects, pending or errors that sometimes blur our current behavior. No desire to provide pseudo-psychological words, I just want to share that I could get rid of mental ballast, which makes me very happy. As the saying goes "A big mistake is to ruin the present remembering a past that has no future."
And as there is evidence that what is written is easier to achieve, I hope to keep current these lessons to intensely live this 2013 and of course, improve, improve and improve.
Thanks to each one of you, dear readers, that give reason for this blog. Thank you for sharing your time and for being part of these moments.
Without more, let this 2013 start, full of energy for everyone!
me encantó tu reflexión y me encanta que otra vez estés contándonos tus experiencias.Muy buen inicio de año para ti tambien.saludos desde Mérida.
ResponderEliminarLaura, muchas gracias. Me alegra muchísimo que te guste lo que les cuento por aquí.
EliminarMuchos saludos hasta Mérida. Un lugar por descubrir.
ResponderEliminarSí, de esos abundan tristemente. También tuve la ocasión de toparme con algunos. Pero bueno, es parte de las lecciones que hay que aprender.
EliminarEs muy cierto ese dicho.
Gracias por tu comentario.
Feliz año.
Amanda Reyes,
EliminarQue palabras las tuyas, me dejas boquiabierta. Mil gracias. :D
La reflexión que haces es buena.La comparto.
ResponderEliminarGracias Eugenio.
EliminarMuchos saludos.
Interesante y útil. Saludos.
Gracias Ramón.
EliminarHa tenido razón de ser este post entonces.
Muchos saludos.
total mente de acuerdo contigo en pocas palabras esta vida es tan bonita, solo ay que empezar a vivirla sin molestar a los demás.
ResponderEliminarComo dijera Benito Juárez, "el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz".