Aventura en bicicleta
El fin de semana fue por demás diferente. Y es que mi hermano me había dicho que tendría un par de amigos en casa que estaban haciendo un viaje en bicicleta, pero en realidad, nunca me dijo que ¡él no estaría el fin de semana y que prácticamente serían mis invitados!
No me puedo quejar. Fueron unos invitados muy especiales. ¿Por qué?
Les cuento. Para empezar, Pablo es alemán/puertorriqueño/mexicano (creció en Bonn, Alemania) y Etienne es canadiense (de Quebec), lo cual es suficientemente interesante para empezar una charla. Pero lo verdaderamente atrayente y emocionante del caso es que estaban de paso por estos lugares porque están haciendo un viaje en bicicleta, que empezaron desde el norte de Canadá y planean terminarlo en Argentina el 2013. Sí, recorrerán todo el continente en bici.
Había visto en la televisión programas y entrevistas a intrépidos que han hecho este tipo de viajes, pero nunca había conocido a nadie que estuviera en ello.
Armados con una bicicleta, unas cuantas mochilas, cantimploras, gafas, guantes y mapa, van recorriendo todo América. Algunas veces hay personas que conocen que les pueden dar hospedaje, otras, un hostal, cámper, camioneta, cárcel (sí, una vez pasaron por un pueblito donde el sheriff les permitió quedarse a dormir en una celda), salón o parque para acampar son ideales para dormir.
Así, después de recibirlos en casa, se instalaron y dispusieron a preparar una cena de la que puedo imaginar tenían ganas, Pâté chinois, platillo popular de Quebec, que yo nunca había probado y me gustó mucho. Dos botellas de vino tinto chileno acompañaron la velada, que se prolongó muchas horas tras mis miles de preguntas sobre el viaje y anécdotas que entre español y un poco de francés me contaban.
Una aventura que no es para cualquiera, pero que me ha inspirado para hacer mi propio viaje por el continente... ¡en avión! (Bueno, también tiene su peripecia, ¿no?)
Mi hermano apareció el domingo, cuando ellos estaban a punto de irse a su siguiente destino. Y después de desayunar unas tradicionales gorditas, nos despedimos...
¿Quieren conocer más de esta aventura? Les dejo aquí las direcciones de los blogs de cada uno de ellos:
De Etienne: http://www.cycloexpeditionamericas.com/
De Pablo: http://www.cycloamericanos.com/
¡Buen viaje, chicos, ha sido un placer conocerlos!
The past weekend was most different. And it is because my brother had told me about a couple of friends who would be staying at home because they are doing a bike trip, but he never said that he would not be around the weekend and those would be virtually my guests!
I can't complain. They were very special guests. Why?
I'll tell you. To start, Paul is German / Puerto Rican / Mexican (raised in Bonn, Germany) and Etienne is Canadian (from Quebec), which is interesting enough to start a chat. But the really attractive and exciting part is that they were passing through this place because they are doing a bike trip that started from northern Canada and is planned to finish in Argentina on 2013. Yes, they will travel across the continent by bike.
I had seen on television programs and interviews about people that have made this kind of trips, but had never met anyone who was in it.
Armed with a bicycle, a few backpacks, water bottles, goggles, gloves and map, they go traveling around America. Sometimes there are people they know that can provide lodging, others, a hostel, camper, truck, jail (yes, once they passed through a small town where the sheriff allowed to stay overnight in a cell), living or camping park are ideal for sleeping.
So, after receiving them at home, they settled and set about preparing dinner than I can imagine they felt like, Pâté chinois, popular Quebec dish that I had never tried and really liked. Two bottles of Chilean red wine accompanied the evening, which lasted many hours because of my thousands of travel questions and of course, anecdotes that between Spanish and a little French they told me.
An adventure that is not for everyone, but it has inspired me to make my own journey across the continent...by plane! (Well, it also has its ups and downs, right?)
My brother came on Sunday when they were about to leave to his next destination. And after a traditional breakfast with gorditas, we said goodbye...
Want to know more about this adventure? I leave here the addresses of each one of their blogs:
Etienne: http://www.cycloexpeditionamericas.com/
Paul: http://www.cycloamericanos.com/
Have a safe and nice trip, guys, it was a pleasure to meet you!
The past weekend was most different. And it is because my brother had told me about a couple of friends who would be staying at home because they are doing a bike trip, but he never said that he would not be around the weekend and those would be virtually my guests!
I can't complain. They were very special guests. Why?
I'll tell you. To start, Paul is German / Puerto Rican / Mexican (raised in Bonn, Germany) and Etienne is Canadian (from Quebec), which is interesting enough to start a chat. But the really attractive and exciting part is that they were passing through this place because they are doing a bike trip that started from northern Canada and is planned to finish in Argentina on 2013. Yes, they will travel across the continent by bike.
I had seen on television programs and interviews about people that have made this kind of trips, but had never met anyone who was in it.
Armed with a bicycle, a few backpacks, water bottles, goggles, gloves and map, they go traveling around America. Sometimes there are people they know that can provide lodging, others, a hostel, camper, truck, jail (yes, once they passed through a small town where the sheriff allowed to stay overnight in a cell), living or camping park are ideal for sleeping.
So, after receiving them at home, they settled and set about preparing dinner than I can imagine they felt like, Pâté chinois, popular Quebec dish that I had never tried and really liked. Two bottles of Chilean red wine accompanied the evening, which lasted many hours because of my thousands of travel questions and of course, anecdotes that between Spanish and a little French they told me.
An adventure that is not for everyone, but it has inspired me to make my own journey across the continent...by plane! (Well, it also has its ups and downs, right?)
My brother came on Sunday when they were about to leave to his next destination. And after a traditional breakfast with gorditas, we said goodbye...
Want to know more about this adventure? I leave here the addresses of each one of their blogs:
Etienne: http://www.cycloexpeditionamericas.com/
Paul: http://www.cycloamericanos.com/
Have a safe and nice trip, guys, it was a pleasure to meet you!
ay que padrisimo este post. estaría super bien hacer un viaje de esos pero como dices,no es para todo el mundo.Que bien por ellos.
ResponderEliminarExacto Luis...hace falta mucho carácter y amor al arte, porque si no, creo que es muy complicado pasar el primer kilómetro, jaja.
EliminarGracias por tu comentario.
Muy buen plan!!
ResponderEliminarSí. Una verdadera inspiración...
Eliminarme gusto mucho este post.
ResponderEliminarGracias LTG :)
EliminarQue padre como hablas aqui de nuestro viaje, Lucy!
ResponderEliminarTu blog esta bien logrado, de hecho en un guia turistico de la zona encontre una foto casi igualita a la que colgaste del mueseo en fresnillo entre las columnas..
Ayer cene con tu hermano y saul y su novia en Zacatecas. Nos la pasamos rebien!!
No sabes cuanto les agradesco todas estas amabilidades! Siempre tienen casa en Alemania y donde mas les pueda enchufar!
Un fuerte abrazo,
¡Pablo, me alegro muchísimo que te guste el blog!
EliminarFue una gran velada esa que tuvimos en casa.
Mi casa es tu casa.
Te tomaré la palabra y te llegaré a Alemania un día de estos. ;)
Un fuerte abrazo hasta donde estés.
de perdido en automovil quien dijo yo?
ResponderEliminar¡YOOOOOO! :D
EliminarLas bicicletas hasta arriba!! Genial!!!!
ResponderEliminar¿Te gustaría un viaje así Javier?
ResponderEliminarSuena genial hacerlo...aunque en la práctica creo que es muy duro, ¿no?